Arpita Singh’s paintings.
Creator of artworks “My Lily Pond”- 2009, “Thirty Six Clouds: Yudhisthir Approaching Heaven” – 2009, and other masterpieces. Padma Bhushan Arpita Singh started her academic art practice in 1954 at Delhi School of Art and Delhi Polytechnic till 1959. Her works went through constant changes throughout her journey, which gave her works a unique versatility and her execution ranging from figurative to black and white abstract composition and then coming back to colours and stylized figures, multipanel execution of paintings etc. Her artwork seem endless and vast within the confined space of a canvas, one can observe a range of elements, stylized forms, colours, ideas, and meanings in one single segment of her work co operating with each other in harmony. Mostly her works are multi elemental compositions, inspired from miniatures and Indian folk traditions with a very unique stylization of forms and figures. The subjects of her paintings and ideas majorly consists of current events, feminist thoughts, politics, individual thoughts, social taboos, feminine problems in current social structure along with a lot of Indian mythological reference. She had her first solo exhibition in 1972 at Kunika Chemould Gallery, New Delhi. Other notable shows includes exhibition at : . Royal Academy of Arts London in 1982, . Lalit Kala Academy in 2014, . Talwar Gallery, New York in 2017 and 2018. and others. Her artworks includes: . Is There Any Other Way To Return Home.-2019. . The Visitor – 2007. . Man With a Black Jacket 2005. and others.